Calendar of Events 2005 - Supporting Events - March |
March 2005
YAQOWIYU - Klaten Regency
Jatinom, a village is notable for annual event called "Yaqowiyu'. Highlight of the ceremony is by distribution of "Apem" (round sweet cake made of rice powder), thrown down from a tower stand. The Apem is believed to have supernatural power to ward off plant diseases and to bring fortune to those who are able to get it. The event was initiated since the return of "Kyai Ageng Gribig" - a local Moslem preacher from his pilgrimage to Mecca, who brought snack, then, known as "Apem" to be distributed to villagers welcoming his returning home.
"Yaqowiyu" (Arabic) means the "Strongest God" the word uttered by "Kyai Ageng Gribig" when distributing the "Apem to visitors". Jatinom is about 20 km away from Klaten northward. It is accessible from Boyolali via Tulung Sub District.
NOTE : To re-confirm events, dates and places, please contact the local tourist in the regency concerned, addresses are listed on the contact us.
