Calendar of Events 2005 - Supporting Events - February |
Ruwatan is sacrificial ceremony of Javanese tradition to avoid disasters which are symbolized by Sang Batharakala (Bad Dewa) which takes revenge against unlucky Children such as : one son or one daughters, two sons, etc.
The Ruwatan traditional ceremony which is organized by "Permadani" (Stands for : The fraternity of Indonesia's National Culture Community) is presented in a long series of ceremony begins with the performance of Wayang Kulit (the leather puppets show) with the story of Murwokolo, the procession of variouskinds of unique offerings and sacrifice, the ceremony of showing respect and honor by kissing on hands and knees, which are done by these Unlucky Children to their own parents purifying ceremony completed with cutting hairs and robes up to the ceremony of washing away the offering and sacrifice to the sea, which are done by Sang Juru Rawat or Dhalang, the man who perform leather puppet show in this event. These unlucky children with full and deepest devotion and sincerity are ready to clean and purify their body and soul for being close to God, fellow man, nature and all creatures.
February 3th, 2005
The procession coincides with "Idul Fitri" day as well as to commemorate the legendary figure of Batang "Baurekso" who defeated King Kala Drupikso (supernatural creature) in the flight.
The procession which is mostly participated by Fisherman wearing traditional costumes, stars from the Bupati's Residences and goes to Klidang Beach. Arriving at the beach, the fisherman then, perform traditional ceremony by the drifting of offering to java sea, as an expression of thanksgiving for having succeeded in their effort the days before.
February 9th, 2005
It is cleansing ceremony for the heirlooms of the late Prince Mangkunegoro I of Puro Mangkunegaran, which takes place at Sendang Water Recreation Centre of the Gajahmungkur Dam Bank. The cleansing ceremony is ceremony is begun with the procession of taking over of the heirlooms by the Royal Mangkunegoro Family, which is kept at either Nglaroh village-Selogiri or Bubakan village Girimarto to be handed over to the Regent of Wonogiri (The Bupati) at the Regent's House for cleansing. The heirlooms are then carried along on procession to the cleansing site at Sendang about 5 kms south of Wonogiri Town. There is another attraction in the site which is held in coincidence with the event, namely the Ruwatan. Prince Mangkunegoro was the first ruler of a small self governing principality in "Puro Mangkunegaran"-an enclave within the Kasunanan Kingdom of Surakarta.
February 9th, 2005
A traditional ceremony to present an offering, is held by the people around of Mounth Merapi Complex. The ceremony takes place at Lencoh village, Selo, Boyolali Regency, which annually held for those wishing to earn better living. The ceremony is ended up with staying awake all night long and then throwing the head of goat in the creates of mount Merapi for offering.
February 9th, 2005
KIRAB PUSAKA - Surakarta Municipality
The "Kirab Pusaka" is a traditional ceremony held by Kraton Kasunanan and Puro Mangkunegaran in Solo City, meant to celebrate the Javanese New Year Day, Asyura 1st
It is a procession displaying the heirloom of Kasunanan and Mangkunegaran Palaces. The heirlooms are carried in procession, around the respective Palace by attendant wearing traditional Javanese Court Dresses. The ceremony begins at 24.00 at Kasunanan Palace and 19.00 at Mangkunegaran Palace. The most interesting part of Kasunanan Palace's procession is the participation of the Royal Palace's Albino Buffalo raise known as "Kyai Slamet". Certain peoples believe that it has supernatural power which can bring good fortune
February 9th - 10th, 2005
The "Padusan" is annual events which is meant to celebrate the Javanese New Day, Asyura 1th, which falls on February 10th, 2005. Thousand of peoples come to "Surodilogo" spring located at Bedakah village in the midst of tea plantation, on the road side connecting Parakan (Temanggung Regency) and Kertek (Wonosobo Regency) for taking a bath intended to purify their coming dangers and hazards and hoping for long happy life, beauty and strength. Besides, the clear cold water of the spring, visitors can enjoy the fresh weather and the beautiful scenery on the slope of Mount Sindoro. In the next day on February 9th, 2005 people go to "Si Keramat" cemetery to pray for died people. They bring kind of traditional food for the ceremony.
February 10th, 2005
JAMASAN PUSAKA - Purworejo Regency
In every month of Asyura (Javanese Calendar) there are a number of Regencies in Central Java Province which hold specific event, it's called cleansing ceremony.
The objects to be cleansed ordinarily in the form of heirlooms such as, Keris (dagger), Tombak (spear), Pedang (sword), etc which are believed to having a miraculous power. One of the events happens at the Museum Tosan Aji at Kutoarjo which lies on the road route connecting Kebumen and Purworejo town. The cleansing is done on the heirlooms and a set of the old Javanese Gamelan Orchestra "Kyai Puguh", the inheritance of the first Regent of Purworejo, Cokronegoro I
February 11th, 2005
It is an annual traditional ceremony to celebrate the replacement of the curtain of Prince Samodra tomb which takes place at "Gunung Kemukus' tourist site, in the midst of Kedungombo Dam about 35 kms away from Sragen Town. The easier way to visit "Gunung Kemukus", by departing from Sumberlawang Sub District Sragen, by car or wading the Kedungombo Dam with dugout (on high tide only), The ceremony is highlighted with "Wayang" performance the whole night. It is said, Prince Samodra was a noble of the Moslem Kingdom of Demak-Central Java in 15 century.
February 2005
It is a thanksgiving ceremony performed by the local farmers and takes places in "Guci" hot water spring about 33 km away from Tegal Town. Guci is a mountain resort at the height of 1,050 meters above sea level with the temperature ranging from 12.8 Celsius to 21.9 Celsius. The unique moments of the ceremony is to bathe goats under the 13th hot waterspout of Guci as well as slaughtering goat at "Gunung Kelir". The events is ended up at night with local folk
February 19th, 2005
The procession coincides with "Idul Fitri" day as well as to commemorate the legendary figure of Batang "Baurekso" who defeated King Kala Drupikso (supernatural creature) in the flight.
The procession which is mostly participated by Fisherman wearing traditional costumes, stars from the Bupati's Residences and goes to Klidang Beach. Arriving at the beach, the fisherman then, perform traditional ceremony by the drifting of offering to java sea, as an expression of thanksgiving for having succeeded in their effort the days before.
February 19th, 2005
It is traditional and religious ceremony to commemorate the replacement of the curtain of Sunan Kudus Tomb which lies behind the famous Minaret of Kudus (Menara Kudus). This ceremony is held annually on the Javanese Calendar Day of 10 Asyura and begins at 07.00 am. Sunan Kudus was one of the "Nine" famous Moslem preacher in 15 century. The event is highlighted with Islamic religious gathering for saying grace. The most interesting moment, when visitor rush to vie for having a torn piece of the curtain, certain peoples believe, it can give good fortune.
February and September, 2005
The Mondosiyo Ceremony is held by the people in Blumbang, Kalisoro District and in Tengklik village. Tawangmangu District, Karanganyar Regency once every 7 month on Tuesday Kliwon wuku Mondosiyo (according to the Javanese calendar). People believe this ceremony was exist after the time where Prabu Baka and Puthut Tetuko have a fight and won by Putut Tetuko. That fight as a symbol thet greed is always defeated by the honesty. In the fights Puthut Tetuko as a symbol of honesty used a stone called Gilang to protect himself. And now the ceremony is held in the area where the gilang stone is. People sprinkle the stone and its surroundings with special water made of the fermentation of sticky-rice to make the area nearby is not haunted, as they believe. There also performed a traditional Reog dance at the ceremony.
February 25th, 2005
Sunan Muria was one of the "Nine" famous Moslem preacher (Walisongo), who propagated Moslem theology in Central Java, in 15 century. This event is traditional ceremony marking the replacement of the old curtain of Sunan Muria's tomb lies on the hilltop of Mount Muria. This site overlooks a beautiful mountain panorama and offer fresh and non polluted air. The grave lies about 18 kms north's of Kudus and can be easily reached by vehicles. The religious traditional is held annually on Javanese Calendar Day of 16 Asyura in coincidence with February 25th, 2005
NOTE : To re-confirm events, dates and places, please contact the local tourist in the regency concerned, addresses are listed on the contact us.
