Borobudur Travel Mart - BTM 2004 28 - 30 September 2004 |
On behalf of the committee, we would like to inform you that Borobudur Travel Mart 2004 or popularly known as BTM 2004
BTM 2004 invites international Buyers to sample the heart of Javanese Art and Culture, and experience the warm hospitals of Javanese people. It is also the most effective means for Seller from Central Java to promote various tourism packages, service, and product to international markets. Therefore this opportunity to meet all of them at one go in one venue should not be missed.
As we will be working on a first come first serve basis, it would be advisable to register as early as possible.
Business appointments of buyers and sellers at the table top will be held at the prestigious Lor In Solo, a five star business resort, situated five minutes away from the airport
I wish you a faithful time at the BTM 2004
We look forward to welcoming you in Solo, and remain.
For more information :
RANTAI EXPO Jl. Manyar 19 B, Solo - Central Java
Phone :
Fax :
Contact Person : RIA ()
Dinas Pariwisata, Seni dan Budaya Kota Surakarta Jl. Slamet Riyadi, Solo - Central Java
Phone :
Catatan : Untuk konfirmasi ulang acara, tanggal dan tempat, silakan hubungi Kantor Dinas Pariwisata di tiap-tiap kabupaten, alamat dapat anda dapatkan di sini
